Thursday, January 8, 2009

"That Mom"

I never thought I would be "that mom". You know the one. The one who freaks out over everything and is constantly worried about her children. The one who misses her kids the second she leaves the house without them and calls the house 3 times during the date she was pushed into going on with her husband just to get away.

But, there I was last night, lying in bed, thinking that we'd only ever left Keith for one night at a time at anyone's house--and I can count the amount of times on one hand--wondering if he would be alright (well not "alright", but happy and. . .well you know what I mean) for two nights without us. Wondering if we should've just reserved the hotel for one night, instead of two, when suddenly I realize: I have become that mom. Well, I'm not "that" mom, but I have become that mom. The one I never thought I would be.

Though I don't worry about Alexa as much since since to her I'm no one terribly special yet--she will still be fed and changed (I worry more about Christy since she will be the one waking up with her at night)--I still think that leaving her for 2 days is an awfully long time. I never left Keith alone until he was over a year old.

I always miss my kids when I'm away from them, but I don't feel the need to call constantly to check up. I will call after awhile just to make sure the babysitters aren't going nuts, but it's not because I worry about the children in those instances so much as the sitter. But, for the first time, for some inexplicable reason I had this urge to make out a list of important things to know for Christy. Things like bedtime, nap time, feeding schedule for Alexa, etc.

I guess now I realize it's normal. . .whatever that means, haha. Part of me has to laugh because it is kind of funny, but the other part of me wants to laugh AT myself just like I laughed at all those crazy women before me who were being so crazy about something that just wasn't a big deal. I guess we all learn our lessons.


Rebecca Susan said...

Despite best efforts (and occasional refusal to admit it), EVERY mom is "that mom". Its just hard wired in, I think. Though I have the opposite problem as you--I miss my older kids terribly, but have a relatively easy time leaving them. But I have a horrible time leaving babies. The youngest I've ever managed to leave one overnight is 10 months:( Good luck! I'm sure the kids will do great! Enjoy the break :)

Christa said...

Oh, I missed Alexa much more than Keith. I just knew that Keith knew what was going on more so I worried more about HIM missing US. I couldn't left Keith for another night, but I had to get back to Alexa.

Rebecca Susan said...

Hehehe. . . I know that feeling! I still worry more about Keilana than Dylan, because I know she' the one much more likely to drive her babysitter nuts with "I miss mommy" whining. Oy vey that girl.