Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Chuch is true, the Chuch is true. . .

Two Sunday I was called to be on the Enrichment Committee. And then I was thrown in with both feet. The RS birthday dinner was scheduled and already mostly worked out, but I sure did a lot of work today to help it come off smoothly. It was fun and it's nice to have a calling where part of the calling is getting together with other women to socialize and plan. I love the other women on the committee and am having such a fun time getting to know everyone.

The birthday dinner came off great and I had a wonderful time. I think enrichment is a program that's undergoing a remodel, I guess you could say. The ward has SO many new people and it's getting younger so things are changing and we're trying to revitalize some of the programs in the ward as this was used to be primarily people over 50. I spent all day working to do my part and help this thing go off well. Wow, I never realized how much work goes into these things. All I ever did was show up, but it's way different being on this side.

Anyhoo (yes, Becky, I hijacked your spelling cause I really like it) last night I went out to get something and Paul said the choir director had called. I didn't get back until after 10:00 so I obviously didn't call back. I was very busy today and found a message on my phone this afternoon again from her. I didn't call back partly because I was too busy and partly because I figured I'd see her at RS. I did. She came up to me first thing and said "oh, it is you!" then proceeded to talk to me about choir. She's been trying to get me to come to choir and I've been once, but honestly with a 2 year old and 4 month old, it's really difficult for me to stay after church. A few weeks ago she came up to me at church and said "this is the piece we're working on right now, I'm not sure when we're going to perform it. There's this violin solo over the top, but we don't have any violin players so you're going to play it on the piano."

Yes, this was how she was "asking" me to play for choir. . .I guess. Let me just point out, there is no called choir accompanist (I think there should be--I've had the calling bef0re), but they do have someone who regularly plays. This is ONE line, because it's for violing, so only one line and one note at a time. . .seriously? You can't find someone else to play this ONE line? I can count off the top of my head at least 5 other piano players in the ward and I don't know that many people in the ward. Anyhoo, that was forgotten by me because it wasn't important.

Tonight, she comes up to me a second time before she leaves and gives me a piece of music and basically says "Ella can't play it so you're going to play it. This is for Easter Sunday" (I'm paraphrasing, but the gist is the same. There was no question mark anywhere in any of her sentences). She brings up the other piece again and I politely say "you know, it's only one line, this would be a great opportunity to let someone else get a chance to devlope their talent." To which she just stares at me like that is not an option. The other piece is no more difficult than a hymn from our own hymnal and I say "Well, if I can sightread this I'm sure someone can practice it and learn it."

Same stare.

Man, I'm so frustrated. She heard music major and thought "okay, I've got my woman." I think sometimes they forget that this isn't about perfection or having the best piano player play all the time. It's about developing talents and sharing the spirit. The only reason I can play the way I do is because I DO it. When I started playing for YW it was AWFUL (just ask Ronda Braithwaite, haha), but I did it. I pushed through. I think someone else needs to have that chance. I love to play and I don't mind helping, but I get tired of people telling me what to do, thinking I am their only option or making assumptions. I'm contenplating spending Easter with mom in her ward. . .that's a good day to spent with family, right?

Okay, rant over. I know I rant a lot on here, but it's the easiest way to vent, and then if people don't want to hear it they can just skip it, but it makes me feel better. Sorry if you're tired of these. =)


Becky said...

amen, sister...there's too many people who've forgotten what church is really about...and have forgotten what and expectation vs. a question really is.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya! I ended up playing for institute occasionally (and poorly) because I wanted to develop that talent and I also played for sacrament meeting one (and only one) time, not because I was expected to, but because the only real piano player refused to play. It was a really great opportunity to grow and develop and I have a bit more confidence that if called upon I can do it again. I'm grateful to Sonja for refusing. So are you going to go to moms then and tell her no? That part was a cliff hanger!

Chelsey Hymas said...

Your ward sounds like mine! I am on the enrichment committee too, which is fun, but when we were planning the birthday party I mentioned to the committee that I had to work that night so I could help prepare things for it, but wouldn't be there. I got a few "stares" and the leader says..."well can't you just be late to work, or take it off?" I just about started laughing... anyways, I hear ya!

Jen said...

So I can understand your frustration and your rant. I think going to Mom's ward would be a polite way of letting the sister know that as much as she may want, she can't make plans for other people and she needs to ask and invite rather than assume and demand. Not that she'll get that message probably...but it's worth a shot! Either that or it sounds like somebody needs to just point-blank call her on her rude behavior (in non-confrontational, loving tones, of course ;) and explain to her that people are more willing to help out when they're given a choice...and that telling people what to do without even asking if they're available only makes people want to run and make themselves not available or "stick-it-to-em"!

On a more positive note, I, too, am on the Enrichment committee in my ward! We had our RS Birthday dinner last week and it turned out awesome!! So awesome we had sisters telling us, "We should do this every time!" Which of course, would only take away the special fun of it.

I know you weren't soliciting ideas or anything and you may have things already planned for the whole year, but this one was so much fun and turned out so well that if you're looking for ideas, it's a really good one! We had a Service Auction. One of the sisters on the committee got the idea off the internet and we tried it! It was SO MUCH FUN and we had some awesome things auctioned off!! I'll let you know how it works and give you a list of examples on what was auctioned off if you're interested. Anyway, we've decided that we may start making it an annual activity!
Anyway, I hope things get better for you! Love you lots!!

♥, Jen ☺