Thursday, November 12, 2009

I almost can't believe...

...that it's already almost halfway through November and Thanksgiving is in two weeks. Where has the time gone? So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving/November/a general need to express my gratitude more, here is a short part of my gratitude list:

*in-laws who are very supportive, especially a father-in-law who will do almost anything for us including driving all the way across town to bring us something we want to borrow

*A husband who works ridiculously hard to take care of his family, even when he's sick/it's raining/he has no job to speak of, you-name-it

*my nice warm house on a cold night

*super awesome friends in my ward who look for any way to help out

*modern medicine

*happy children who love me even when i screw up

*a clean house!

*a husband who takes the kids to the store just to pick up some milk so i can get a few minutes alone to recharge

*cold, clean water and lots of it


Missy said...

you are awesome! I am grateful for you!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love it when Nate takes Clark with him to the store:) Thumbs up for Paul. I'm glad you're so well taken care of.