Monday, April 29, 2013

getting anxious

there's a lot to do in the house.

a lot.

pack things, sell things, give things away, take things off walls, scrub everything in sight, find and reserve a moving truck, find somewhere to live, visit with friends and family, and of course, do all my regular stuff.

does that sound like a lot?

hmm, guess i should be doing something and not blogging.

but, here i am anyway.  i like to record the goings-on in my life.  i like to look back and read things that i'd completely forgotten, things that don't even sound familiar.  plus, i think i remember some things better just because i wrote them down.

so, i've got six weeks to go.  i know once i hit four it will be all downhill from there. but still, even at six i know it's going to go quickly.  

but i'm ready.

mentally at least.  physically, well it's a work in progress. 

paul and i were talking about me coming to reno to visit, see him without him having to make the drive and possibly house hunting.  and as we talked about the weekends coming up, i realized suddenly that somehow every weekend between now and when it's time to go has gotten filled.  an i'm not sure how that happened.

paul comes home this weekend, which is great 'cause it's been almost 3 weeks and keith's 7th birthday is wednesday.  next sunday is mother's day. yeah, for real.  the sunday after that, melissa and nate are coming to visit, YAY!  they will stay for the whole week, so they'll be here through the following weekend of memorial day, which paul may or may not come home for.  the weekend after that, the 1st and 2nd, well that's the weekend before we move and i'm thinking i should probably be here to be getting things done.  hard to say how much will still be left to do at that point. most likely, plenty to keep me busy.

so, here we are, on the countdown.  i'm super excited, and ready to get out of here.  and i've got some summer plans brewing (sans kids!), which gives me something to look forward to.  i'm ready for the next adventure.  this will be state number four we've lived in since 2007  i would've never believed that i would've lived in 4 different states before i was 30.  pretty cool.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"i think i can..."

well, week one of single-parenthood went well.  but i also had the weekend to look forward to an knew i only had to make it through five days really.  paul came home and we had a nice weekend.  he spent some time with the kids who were stuck like glue to him for the first day.  but then, sunday came and he had to leave to go back to reno.  and the kids took it like little troopers. seems they're getting used to it.  it probably helped that we had just done a week-plus without him in california.

but now, here we are about halfway through week two and it feels like it's all coming down.  sigh.  i love my kids, but man, are they a handful!  several, in fact.  it doesn't help that they're all so close in age and only one can really do everything for himself.  i'm going to make it, i am, but i swear, by the time june 8th rolls around it will probably be just about all anyone can do to keep me here long enough to help load the truck.  it's finally hitting me just how much stuff has to be packed or junked. 

which is the other thing.  the best part about moving, for me, is the purging.  the throwing things away.  getting to the things you keep saying "at some point we'll get rid of that."  and while it's great to be doing it, it sure draws the packing process out because you can't just throw everything you see in a box.  at least, i can't.  if i'm going to go through the energy of packing it up and making sure there's space for it in my new place, i want to make sure i actually want to keep it.  and there's so much stuff i don't want to keep!  so much.

anyhoo, on a different note, for some reason i keep expecting it to warm up, and mother nature doesn't seem to be getting the memo.  monday it started to rain, which is typical weather, but then i started to hail. it was decent sized hail too.  so, i took a picture, because you know, it was kind of fun.

so then i sent the picture to my friend carolyn and she responded, "the calendar says spring. does medford weather know that?"

and i kid you not, less than 30 seconds after she texted that, it got worse. a lot worse. pea-sized and quite fast. it covered the road in just a couple minutes.

don't worry, i wasn't out there very long, plus i was at the end of a killer workout, so i was pretty toasty.  but you can see how big it was.

anyhoo, it's not much better in reno.  paul said it snowed there the day it hailed here. so i'm going to colder and hotter. what a win, hahaha.  

well, wish me luck and maybe throw up a prayer or two that i and all my kids make it out of these next 7+ weeks alive, haha.

Monday, April 1, 2013

grand adventure pictures

freddy and baz figured out they could crawl through the doggy door.

the door looked so big i had to test it out to see if i would fit. who needs keys?

 one of my very favorite people in the whole world.

alexa and keith with uncle frank

 gio's not shy at all. only 3 months younger than my boys, i would take him and make him a triplet any day!

brunch on the deck. beautiful day.
 natalie, carolyn and me

 sittin' in the freight container opening with my kids and a couple adopted's.

baz, freddy and gio
baz brushing lewis

hanging out in the barn, 'cause you know that's where all the cool kids hang.